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Yep, you heard it. I’m done. I’ve completely had it with COVID.

I’ve been this way for a while now but, as I see people in the stores and outside still wearing masks, it really hit home. I just shake my head in silent frustration that, after 2 years, the fear is still embedded within some people. So deep that no matter what facts and figures you provide them, they still feel that if they take their mask off, they will drop where they stand like something out of the Andromeda Strain. In some ways, I feel bad for them. They grew up believing that the media and government are telling them the truth when, in fact, the media tells them what to think and how to think.

But I digress.

Now I’m not trying to say that COVID doesn’t exist. It certainly got both my wife and me. But does the fear generated by the government and the media warrant people still wearing a mask? Especially when a number of people have gotten vaccinated and double boosted? I don’t think it does. And I think a number of people feel the same way as I do. And, as a result, bring on the monkeypox!

Of course, I had to check this out. They started running the stories online and showing pictures of what the symptoms look like if you contract this new disease. Buuuut they just happened to use the same picture of someone’s hand to represent two different people in two different countries. And then there’s the fact that monkeypox is mainly an STD. So there’s that.

Now, for myself being COVID-weary, I looked at this latest push and laughed. I mean, c’mon. Do we have to be careful of two sub-strains of the main strain?

Naturally, the media tried to push the narrative to beware, stay safe, blah blah blah. And it didn’t work.

Okay, I’m starting to blather on about this. I had a feeling this would happen. Never try to type a blog when you are tired and you’re working the late shift all week and you’ve been sitting in front of this pixelated monstrosity for the last 9 hours. Just one of the perks where your job is spent in front of this screen all day, every day.

Anyway, I’m done for now. More to come very soon.

God Bless!